Saturday, June 30, 2012


So I haven't been blogging lately at all. lots of stuff going on. Which brings me to some very big news....

I am starting my own little business! I am so excited. I have wanted to do it forever but it always felt like a dream that I would do...someday. Well someday is today! My DH really pushed me and said you want to do it, then do it have all the money you want to spend to set up and do not worry. Have fun.

I am going to be making and selling candles on If you haven't heard of it, Etsy is a great website where people can sell handmade items and vintage stuff. It isn't ebay where people just throw up everything it is all supposed to be mostly handmade stuff. I love the site & have shopped there in the past. It is a great place to find unique stuff for sure & I truly love the handmade nature of it. Knowing that I can talk to the person who actually crafted the item I am buying.

I remember once my husband and I were shopping for christmas and went into this glass shop and we sat there talking to this little old couple that owned it and he made everything in the store himself right there in front of us even. It was so neat and I loved that we got to talk to them. We ended up buying little glass frogs for my MiL in case you are curious lol.

Anyways I love candles. I use them all the time and really love making them. It is a huge creative outlet getting to think of color/scent combos, type of candles and taking pictures of them and everything.

My candles will be all soy and for now I am sticking with mostly votive, tealights, melts & tarts. I will expand later on though.

Starting your own business even online is a ton of work. I mean I knew it would be work but there is so much I was like wow I didn't even think of that. It is giving me a ton of stuff to do just setting up so I am not up and running yet or even close.

This whole experience has really just opened me up and has made me feel great. I am back to a normal sleep pattern and getting this done. I am happy and in a good mood and focused and thinking positive stuff. it is great. I am really happy.

Anyways my shop isn't up yet I am still in the set up/testing stage. But just wanted to update everyone to say I am still alive lol I would love positive thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Best of luck with your Etsy business :) Do you have a link to it?


    Brigid Diana


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